In the mid-21st century, an asteroid flew towards Earth. Humans observed the planet through a super telescope 20 years ago. Subsequently, they contacted the planet using extraterrestrial life exploration robots that had already been launched and discovered new substances. Driven by their thirst for knowledge and exploration, humans began preparations for landing. This planet, which will briefly brush past Earth, will stay outside Earth for thirteen days. Humans must seize this opportunity to discover new substances.,The instant the Earth was struck by a planetary impact, the energy released successfully altered Earth's orbital path, deviating it by a considerable distance. Fortunately, because the planet itself was composed of special materials, it disintegrated into light and shadow before the energy reached its peak, scattering across the Earth's surface. However, disaster still followed. Two-thirds of the population perished within a decade due to unknown diseases, an all-encompassing dust cloud blocking the sun, freezing air, and barren, decaying land. These natural anomalies transformed the once hospitable Earth into a dead planet. From space, Earth appeared as if it had been taken a small bite out of it.,Behind her stood a slender figure with a cold expression, wearing glasses and having golden hair combed back in a ponytail. She pushed up her glasses and rubbed her temples. The woman was Michelle, the secretary of the 13th department.。